Monday, August 17, 2009

Two steps back...the flight here and such things.

from 08/13/2009

For as much as I’d like to imagine myself able to visualize what deplaning in Accra will be like, I’m afraid that it is still an ethereal notion. After all, I’ve spent hours peering through picture books and reading cultural guides. I know that Ghana prides itself on being, “the Friendliest Country on the Planet!” but for all of my experience, that might as well read, “The Greatest Show on Earth!” What I’m getting at here is that due to my lack of experience in traveling like this; that means internationally for those folks out there in the cheap seats, I’m quite sure that setting foot on the red earth that is Ghana will be nothing short of absolute spectacle and I look forward to the sense of awe and wonder that I have imagined experiencing every day since this whole endeavor began.

Seems like I’ve told the story a lot, but here’s the quick and dirty version: almost exactly 2 years ago a friend’s then-fiancee mentioned her excitement about an impending trip….to Ghana (bet you weren’t ready for that one). When I found out that this trip was a bi-annual occurrence and open to all PSU students as a Capstone (senior project) I swore that I wanted to make the trip myself. In all truth, I never really thought that this would come to be true. Let’s face it, before getting sober just over 5 years ago I was incapable of making plans that involved anything outside of an hour’s time frame, and they usually involved getting or staying loaded.

Fast forward through the job, the school, the scholarship, the amazing rebuilding of my relationships with EVERYONE in my life, and the fact that I have allowed myself to become the father that I always knew that I could be….and here I am, on a plane from JFK in New York to Accra, the capital city of Ghana. Walking through the airport in NYC is really a cultural experience of its own. There are people from everywhere…literally everywhere and they all have that same road-weary yet motivated-the-fight-must –go-on look about them. As we neared our gate, after having downed a 6 shots-on-ice from S’bux (boo-hoo…insert manufactured crying at the notion of not having real coffee for a month), it was obvious that we were nearing the international flights. Gate 5 to Moscow, Gate 4 to Accra, etc….

Here’s the great part…in boarding the plane I was waived over by a customs/security/you-get-the idea. I thought, “Here we go...” and I was ready for the run-around. He was shocked that I was a student, wanted to know how much money I was carrying, etc. The ladies that I am traveling with thought the whole thing was unfortunate, but it ended quickly. Not 5 steps inside of the plane a beautiful Ghanaian woman who was also a flight attendant stopped me, laid her hands on my arms, and exclaimed, “Look at you!!” She was so interested in who I was and loved the tattoos, etc. Just before dinner she visited me again and asked about the nature of my trip. Upon learning that it was my first time traveling to Africa and my first international venture as well, she bent down, threw her arms around me, and said, “Welcome aboard, Baby! We’re going to take good care of you. You’ll be just fine.” My favorite moment came next when she told me that in her opinion, every American needs to travel to Africa. I’m getting the feeling that she might be right….

Getting off of the plane and onto the tarmac at the air field was unreal...I felt like Dorothy when she stepped out of the Black and White house and into that Great Technicolor World of Oz...and then it hit me like a duck in the face at 20 knots...(check out the William Gibson reference...and you all thought I didn't read).

Zane – I wish that you could have been on the flight from NYC to Accra. There is a wonderful 5 year old boy sitting behind me. His name is JJ and he reminds me a lot of you when you were that age. He was very excited to tell me that he was from Ghana, and that he had been in the United States visiting his grandfather. He has kind eyes, a bright smile, and was very excited to talk. Then his mother went on to explain that they actually lived in Michigan, and that they have a summer home in Ghana. I miss you Bear, and I can’t wait to have the chance to talk to you. Take care and know how much I love you!!

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